Twister Lipstick Plant – Characteristics and How to Care

Popularly known as Twister Lipstick Plant, Aeschynanthus pulcher ‘Twister’ is a plant that can be grown indoors or outdoors, provided the right growing conditions are provided.

This is a pet-safe plant, suitable to have around dogs or cats.

Continue reading this article to learn more about the Twister Lipstick Plant and understand the step-by-step process to cultivate it correctly.

Caring for Twister Lipstick Plant

Twister Lipstick Plant

In summary, to cultivate the Twister Lipstick Plant, you should use nutrient-rich soil with good drainage. The cultivation location should provide good humidity, plenty of indirect light, and a gentle breeze to prevent pests or diseases.

Below, I will go into more details about each of these care aspects, as well as explain other aspects of cultivating this plant.

  1. Where to Plant: As an epiphytic species (it grows on other plants but is not parasitic), this plant can be planted in pots or hanging baskets.
  2. Ideal Temperature: Avoid extreme climates; the ideal temperature for this plant is between 15°C to 22°C (59°F to 72°F).
  3. Humidity: Usually, it is not necessary to provide very high humidity for this plant, as ambient humidity is ideal. In drier months, you can spray the leaves in the early morning to increase humidity slightly (avoid doing this during the hottest times of the day).
  4. Lighting: Provide plenty of indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves of this plant.
  5. Soil: It should be rich in organic materials and have good drainage. Using a potting mix rich in peat is an excellent option.
  6. When to Water: Water sparingly after the substrate dries. During fall and winter, the watering frequency decreases.
  7. Fertilization: Should be done during the plant’s growth period, i.e., between spring and fall.
  8. Pruning: Remove dry or diseased stems, leaves, and flowers. This will help in the development of your plant. Remember to use sterilized scissors to avoid the spread of pests or diseases.
  9. Propagation: It is done by cuttings during spring.

Plant Characteristics

Now that you’ve learned how to cultivate the Twister Lipstick Plant, below are some characteristics and facts about this plant.

  • Scientific Name: Aeschynanthus pulcher ‘Twister.’ On the internet, you will find several sites citing this plant as Aeschynanthus twister, but know that this information is incorrect. I searched on various sources [1] [2], and the species Aeschynanthus twister does not exist.
  • Its Leaves: The leaves have light green or variegated tones, are thin and long, reaching up to 4 cm, and have a delicate fuzz covering.
  • The Twister Name: It was probably due to the most striking aspect of this plant, the way its leaves twist, giving it a unique appearance.
  • Its Flowers: They are very eye-catching, appearing in shades of orange-red.
  • Flowering Period: If well-cultivated, this plant usually blooms in spring or summer; its flowers can last up to 5 weeks.
  • Not Found in Nature: According to my research, Aeschynanthus Twister is, in fact, the result of crosses between different types of Aeschynanthus, resulting in thin and long stems that grow suspended, reaching between twenty to fifty centimeters in length.

I hope that with the information provided in this article, you have learned a bit more about the Twister Lipstick Plant.

If you want to learn more about plant cultivation, check out our other articles:

And, if you have any questions, would like to add information to this text, or have a story with this plant, leave your comment below.

Thiago L. Ferreira

Thiago L. Ferreira

Thiago Ferreira is a writer and enthusiast who has been writing about plant cultivation since 2018. His content has been recommended in magazines and famous portals on the subject. Currently, he shares his knowledge here on the blog and also through courses, books, and ebooks that have more than 15,700 students around the world.

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